Saturday, November 23, 2013 | By: δοῦλος

He Renews.

That wasn’t me.
I am not that woman that he wants me to be.
I lay face down on my bed
Burning tears flowing down my cheeks,
he had already left a mark.
That branding iron had seared my arm.
I was left desperately wondering why I was not that woman.
Why I did not want to be the she he wanted me to be.

A heavenly cloud swooped in and lifted me from my misconstrued dwelling.
He looked me straight in the face and said over and over
That is not who I made you to be.
I do not want you to be the she he wants you to be. 
Yes, but what about this??
What about thisthisthisandthis??
Somebody on the outside was socking me in the stomach.
You’re not good enough.
You will never fit that mold.
You cannot be reset to your original factory setting,
There is no room for artistry here,
You are not wanted.

I ran.
I ran and somebody found me and said
He loves you.

I ran again.
I ran until I found a different home
and there, the man on the screen said,
You are no longer sin. 
You are redeemed.
He is your perfection.

Different people...
They gathered around me and prayed
and that mark on my arm began to fade
and He kept pursuing me like a lion.
So I stood in my tracks ready for the impact.
Wanting the impact.

And when it came holy tears flowed down my cheeks.
He loved me anyway.
Not because of what I had done
but because of who He is.
And that mold that I so desperately thought I needed to be in
was not mine. 
He is mine.
I am His.
and no man can tell me otherwise.


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