Thursday, February 14, 2013 | By: δοῦλος

Valentine's Day

Too much is going through my head on Valentine's Day. I keep trying to figure out the meaning of it. For some, it's a day to adore a special someone; for others, it's a day to remember the love of Christ... and for the festive ones, it's a day to sprinkle hearts over everything they see! I just keep thinking...well, shouldn't we appreciate our 'special someone' everyday? And what about the love of Christ, is that just a comfort for the single ones all wanting to have that special someone? It's almost as if the single Christians are like, "Well, we don't have our 'significant other' yet, but we have Jesus!" in order to cover up their loneliness on a day focused on couples. They make it seem like Christ's love on the cross is a 'back up' of sorts. What I find amazing is that there are only so few who will sit there and admit that Valentine's Day sucks. (Thank you roommate!). Single people try to make themselves feel better by going out with their friends, or indulging in chocolates until the day is done. Afterwards, we all look to our calendars and try to remember what President's Day means, and rejoice in the fact that school and (sometimes) work is cancelled!

Two mormons on their bikes inspired this post. I was driving to work today, trying to figure out the significance of today, and then I saw them. I kept thinking, "Wow...they have never really experienced true love...". It made me want to cry. You know why today and every other day is significant? It's another chance at life. It's another day to decide whether you will live for Him or not. This is for those two men on their bikes. It's for all those customers with the bindi on their foreheads and for those apathetic agnostics casually walking across the college campus. Today's post is a prayer for the lost. I cannot explain it to you, (it must be the Holy Spirit), but my heart was especially broken for those who don't know Christ. I don't want to sit here and post my quick shout out to Jesus on facebook and then move on. I want to love people. I want to give back to my new manager who gave me a warm hug today. I want to demonstrate the honest gratitude I had for my co-worker in teaching me how to decorate cupcakes. I feel a need to share and give the truth, not just show and tell it. I don't want to be that t.v. chef that tempts you with all the delicious food and gives you no possible chance to taste it for yourselves. May you taste and see that God is good to us! (Psalm 34:8). May my life reflect this so much that when I come across anyone, they don't see so much of me anymore. May they see Jesus. 

People are gifts to one another. People paint us a picture of grace and beauty and love, despite depravity. I hate 'em, but I love 'em. Just bein' honest here, I'm not actually Jesus! ;D BUT His Holy Spirit is present, and He is powerful! Salvation is miraculous, and may I not forget that...for out of the the darkness He rescued me, and He wants to rescue more than just who's He going to save next?? :)

Come, Oh Lord. Maranatha.


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